Important announcement:  Change of UK distributor for StopLoss products


LJT Surgical is pleased to announce an important development regarding sales of the StopLoss products in the UK.  In the UK, sales and distribution are now handled by Veni Vidi.  For all orders and enquiries related to the StopLoss products in the UK contact Veni Vidi as below.  For all enquiries and sales outside the UK please continue to contact your local FCI representative.


Mob :   +44 (0)7506693555                                                        

Tel:       +44 (0)1422 254064

Fax:      +44 (0)1422 259474




Before ordering please ensure that you have read our terms and conditions

Countries for supply

Currently EU countries only


Orders may only be placed by or on behalf of surgeons with experience of lacrimal surgery